Why you have Wendy clients when you could have STEAK clients

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You KEEP choosing to eat Wendy's because you think you're not good enough to eat steak.
I know WTF is she talking about.. follow me on this because it will change your life, even if you're a vegan.

👉Choosing to allow the "Wendy's relationships" in your life to get all of your time, instead of holding out for the amazing relationships. These relationships might make you feel good for a short time or in short bursts, but long amounts of time in them leave you feeling frustrated, hurt, or misunderstood.

👉Choosing to accept "Wendy's clients" in exchange for money when you really could have amazing clients that pay you your higher rate, respect your time, and trust YOU. Yes the "steak clients" exist, they pay you your "omg rates" and RESPECT YOU.

👉Choosing to keep working with the "Wendy's coach" the coach that doesn't get you, that's not listening to you, who you now feel like wasn't a good fit for you. But you can continue to work with them because you paid for it!

While you can eat Steak (or whatever vegan substitute is out there) you choose to keep eating Wendy's.

It is a choice to treat yourself like shit.
To accept anything less than what you should be deserving.
To accept anything less than the BEST income.
The best relationships EVERYWHERE with EVERYONE (yes even with you're parents).

Because you feel not good enough, yeah maybe you're making $5K-$10K a month but it still doesn't feel good enough AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHY.

That's because you are choosing to surround yourself with people and things that makes you feel not good enough.

Ready to stop eating Wendy's and get the life + biz that makes you feel good enough? Apply below.




Your bank accounts = your self power