Millionaire Morning Routine with a baby

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Protect your mornings.

I heard this recently at an event. I believe it to be soo true.

Since becoming a new mom and a millionaire.

I’ve found mornings to be this thing that’s super important but has to be fluid. It can’t be this thing that’s strict because sometimes your baby is teething, sometimes your baby is waking up different times (daylight savings), you just never know!

One thing that I recently started doing that changed my life was waking up at 5am. (I KNOWWWW, girl if you’re rolling your eyes over there I can feel them and I understand. I too have been the eye roller! I never wanted to be one of those people who get up this early but it’s the only time I could find in my day so I’ve become one of those Tony Robbins get up early type of people.)

Sometimes I get an hour or sometimes 2 and sometimes I’ll skip it all together.

But on the days when I wake up at 5am, wooo baby, I get SHIT. DONE.

Jane Austen would wake up and immediately play the piano, make breakfast with her family, then write.

  • President Obama always does his cardio and weight routine, followed by breakfast with his daughters.

  • Arianna Huffington begins each day with yoga and meditation.

  • Steve Jobs would contemplate this philosophical question, “If today were my last day on earth what would I do differently?”

Taken from: (

I was curious about what other women do in their mornings especially women who have kids, because a 4 hour morning routine to do whatever I want.. it’s not happening over hurr.

In case you need more convincing that mornings affect your money here’s an interesting fact:

In financial terms, the case for morning routines seems clear: 

On average, respondents with a consistent set of morning habits earned roughly $12,500 more per year than those without them.

That’s like me saying to you: if you get up at 5am a couple times a week I’ll give you $12,500. Doesn’t sound so bad now right?

Those who regularly worked out in the morning had the highest incomes on average.

This result resonates with other statistical connections between income and exercise:

  • Residents of America’s wealthiest states are more physically active, for instance.

  • Those who practiced emotional self-care also tended to have higher salaries as well.

  • Individuals who took time to meditate or journal each morning earned over $50,000 a year on average. Indeed, mindfulness has many strong proponents in business. Executives such as Ray Dalio and Marc Benioff claim meditation helped them amass their fortunes.

I watched about 5 Youtube videos of different successful women.

Read about 10 different blog posts from successful moms.

I asked a handful of friends who were successful.

Here’s what kept repeating:

  1. wake up early

  2. move in some way shape or form

  3. journal / meditation

  4. goal setting / organize their to do list for the day

Each one varies and they may have different versions of each but these are what I found that most have in common.

Again, back to the saying “PROTECT YOUR MORNINGS”

I realized a lot of us do things that are protecting that time in the morning.

When I wake up at 5am I have no interest in making any other decisions. I don’t want to be bombarded with breakfast decisions or getting anything organized for breakfast.

The great thing about getting up at 5am is that no one is really messaging, calling, or texting me!

Let’s protect your morning:

1) Do you have a simple set breakfast?

I’m currently loving RX oats. Simple, clean, ingredients but super easy for breakfast in the morning. I add some water pop it in the microwave and it’s ready to go!

Sometimes I just grab a banana and coffee with coconut oil.


2) Boundaries

Again this is really important time, this time is for you to organize yourself for the day and to set your intention for the day.

I like to have a set area where I go. I head to my office and there lets my brain know: time for business. If I were to head to my coach or back to bed, my body would be like hey let’s chill but I’m telling my brain and body.. it’s business time.

Can you set up a space for this morning time? Even if it’s a mat on the floor in your living room, it just has to be a small designated space that when you get there your brain and body both know: it’s time for business.

3) Tell all the people in your home that you’re getting up early to do x,y, and z.

When I started getting up at 5am I let my husband know that I needed an hour.

That way if the baby woke up, that was me saying: Honey you’re in!

I can feel good knowing that she’s taken care of and my morning can’t be broken up.

Do you have to do all of them to become a millionaire?


Do you have to do them every day to become a millionaire?


But doing one or two a day will help you feel more organized, get more done, and help you feel better through out the day.

You’ll find yourself:

  1. less distracted

  2. not getting lost in “busy work or house work” that won’t get you to your goals

  3. find more time for you

  4. feel good about the direction your business is moving in (even if you only do a little bit that day)

  5. find more time in your day to get done the things you want to

This is why people do morning routines. It will dictate the rest of your day’s trajectory.

You can wake up feeling scattered, annoyed, and overwhelmed.

Or sacrifice a little bit more time in the mornings to ground yourself and get ready for the day.

Have kids and a business that you want to turn into millions?

Here’s a book I suggest reading full of scientific studies and data all around how successful women manage their time:

i know how she does it.jpg

““Having it all” has become the subject of countless books, articles, debates, and social media commentary, with passions running high in all directions. Many now believe this to be gospel truth: Any woman who wants to advance in a challenging career has to make huge sacrifices. She’s unlikely to have a happy marriage, quality time with her kids (assuming she can have kids at all), a social life, hobbies, or even a decent night’s sleep.

But what if balancing work and family is actually not as hard as it’s made out to be? What if all those tragic anecdotes ignore the women who quietly but consistently do just fine with the juggle?

Instead of relying on scattered stories, time management expert Laura Vanderkam set out to add hard data to the debate. She collected hour-by-hour time logs from 1,001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year. And she found some surprising patterns in how these women spend the 168 hours that every one of us has each week.

Overall, these women worked less and slept more than they assumed they did before they started
tracking their time. They went jogging or to the gym, played with their children, scheduled date nights with their significant others, and had lunches with friends. They made time for the things that gave them pleasure and meaning, fitting the pieces together like tiles in a mosaic—without adhering to overly rigid schedules that would eliminate flexibility and spontaneity.”

You can read more about Laura here. Her emails have been supportive and great.

I really thought after I had a baby my business was over that finding the time to work on it was going to be impossible. But the truth is, this time is temporary.

My baby being a baby.. it’s temporary.

Since we’ve become millionaires we’ve set a new goal. My goal is to make a million dollars in income combined with my husband by the time I’m 40.

That’s about 5 years away. That’s a lot of time and I’ll find the time.. bright and early.


Money block fear: will people not like me if I make a lot of money?


My husband and I are going to become millionaires. UPDATE 3 YEARS LATER